Danielle van Vree (The Hague, 1969)





1988-1989     UVA Art history

1989-1991     Theatre school, (mime) Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Amsterdam

1991-1995     Theatre school, (object theatre) Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Amsterdam

2004              Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten

2003              Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten





2007    Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen, China

2006    Bewaerschole, Burgh Haemstede, NL





2017    research project: ‘from theory to Practise to Performing Space’, AFK

2016    design and achievement Jheronimus Bosch commemorative coin (€5,-/10,-)

2016    work out design for image in public space, Keerdijk in St.Michielsgestel



Solo (exhibition/performance)


2017    De stoomploeg, documentary about a group of volunteers in Cruquius museum, Cruquius museum

2017    presentation Act of Time, Nieuw en Meer, Springtime, performance

2017    Aan Weeszijden, documentary performance at the river the Waal in collaboration with Aart Jilesen (DnA) (concept, text and director)

2014    (don’t) Trust me, performance in collaboration with the theatre school Amsterdam

2014    Dialoque with an image IV, Herderplein, Utrecht

2014    Dialoque with an image III, working period in PuntWG with performance

2013    Dialoque with an image I & II, Nieuw-West Open

2013    Onbewoond Geheugen, Sint Nicolaas cluster, Zuidas,

2010    6 x 1 performance, De ruimte tussen de dingen, Frascati 3 Amsterdam

2008    Mart House gallery, Amsterdam, Notion of gesture

2007    Chinese European Art center, Xiamen, China, Notion of gesture

2006    Mart House gallery, Amsterdam, uitgelicht



Group exhibitions/ festivals


2015    Festival Perron Oost, Oleum Cocos, vergeten ben ik, performance in collaboration with Aart Jilesen

2015    BE festival, Birmingham, (Don’t) Trust me.

2014    Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, Op de plaats rust, performance and video installation RingBiënnale Haarlemmermeer.

2012    VU University, Rethinking theory and practise, (Act of thinking I)

2011    Outline, Amsterdam, performance marathon; Reflections (Soi-même comme un autre)

2011    MMK Arnhem, To Be Present-Live-No Tech, (Dialogue)

2010    WG terrain, Amsterdam, To Be Present-Live-No Tech, (Double)

2009    W139, Amsterdam (Stand In, performance)

2009    ‘Een ander daglicht’, Utrecht (video-installation Unsleep)

2009    Het Troostpaleis, Chasseékerk, Amsterdam (video/sound installation)

2009    Words live, De Player, Rotterdam (performance)

2008    Mart House gallery, Cut the cake

2008    Art Amsterdam, Mart House gallery

2008    Performance festival, Gerona, SP, Sinergia (Hidden places, performance)

2007    Polderlicht, Amsterdam (In between times)

2007    Suburban video lounge, Rotterdam, Words

2007    Art Amsterdam, Mart House gallery (Interior)

2007    Soiree des ateliers, huis a/d werf, Utrecht (Everything that never happens, performance)

2007    Art Rotterdam, Mart House gallery (Inside & Duet)

2006    Bewaerschole, BurghHaemstede, Verstilling in de zin van bezwering (Hindsight, performance)

2006    State of the image, Arnhem (Hide & Seek & Pick-up Blues)

2006    Mart House gallery, Amsterdam, White, bright and delighting home (Unsleep & Pas de Deux)

2006    La Bisbal d’Emporda, SP, Face to Face (Musique de Table, performance)

2005    Durban, South Africa, Durban video festival (Lost)

2005    Rio de Janeiro, Festival Prog: ME, (Mum & Dad)

2004    Stadsgalerij Heerlen, PLAY-bewogen beelden (Pas de Deux)

2004    ACCA, Melbourne, AUS, A Molecular history of Everything (Pas de Deux)

2004    Museum for modern Art Arnhem, Fam. (Mum & Dad)

2004    Teylers museum, Haarlem, Heimwee in Haarlem (Swing)

2004    OC&W, Den Haag (Pick-up Blues & Zweet)

2004    ACCA, Melbourne, AUS, Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia (Lost)

2004    Kouwe Kermis, traveling exposition

2003    SmartProjectspace, Amsterdam, NL, Performance Festination (Sometimes you just stop, live video performance)

2003    Damn if I (concept, stage design, direction), Bimhuis, Tour new Theatre makers, NL

2002    Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, NL, De kleine parade

2002    SmartProjectspace, Amsterdam, NL, Thresholding (waiting again performance)

2002    Het vertrek (ze sluiten, omdat wij huilen) Gasthuis, Amsterdam, NL,

2000    Am I Blue , Veemvloer, Oerolfestival, Noorderzon festival

1997    Doe je hart de groeten, liefste, De Balie, Veemtheater

1995    Remember me, but do forget my fate, Veemtheater, Amsterdam, NL,





2017    5e kwartier, In between Time, project in former Bijlmerbajes in collaboration with newcomers and artists (acting director)

2016    Likeminds and Das Lezte Kleinod, Train-stations, stories & travels (director)

2015    5eKwartier, Molke, Friesland (writing and performing)

2015    BOT, music theatre,, Het geluid van Glas(director)

2015    Das Letzte Kleinod, Het spoor voorbij, Delft (director)

2014    BOT, music theatre, Het geluid van de Nacht (director)

2013    BOT, music theatre,, Het geluid van Erf (director)

2013    5eKwartier, Utopia , (text and performer)

2012    5eKwartier, KantineOost, Winterbos, (artistic director, performer)

2012    5eKwartier, Karavaanlab Velsen Tata, Staal  (concept, text, performer)

2012    5eKwartier, KantineOost, Zomerbos, Parkwijk, Haarlem

2012    5eKwartier/Vrolijkheid, performances with Orchestra Partout in AZC’s in the Netherlands

2012    12Hours To Be Present International Women’s Day, De Balie Amsterdam   (artistic director i.c.w. Anet van de Elzen)

2011    5eKwartier, MELK, Aartswoud, site-specific theatre

10/11  5eKwartier KantineOost,  Parkwijk, Haarlem, site-specific theatre

2010    karavaanlab, 5eKwartier & Peergroep, Opmeer, site-specific theatre

2009    5ekwartier, Stek, Slachthuisbuurt Haarlem, site-specific theatre

2009    video of the performance ‘Bezwering van het Onbehagen’, Mieke van de Voort

2008    video of the performance ‘Generale Staten’ ,Mieke van de Voort

2006    Inside out (directing assistance), a film by Arnoud Noordegraaf together with Roderik de Man & ASKO ensemble, Amsterdam.

2005    Vidyavideo, RAINproject by Sonia Kurana, Delhi, India

2002    Frau am Venster (performing), 7 hours performance by David Weber Krebs, bijenkorfetalage

2002    Tast (choreography and acting), film by Arnoud Noordegraaf

2001    New Amsterdam (acting) video-installation by Brigitte Defaix,

2001    This way to the big show (directing assistance ), film by Rick Stout

2001    Factory (acting), Jell-o Company, theaterplusvideo

1999    Writing to Vermeer (acting), opera by Peter Greenaway & Louis Andriessen

1999    Kriegsbraute (acting) Manufracturtheater, site-specific theatre

1999    Een ziel met een piemel (directing assistance),  film by Rick Stout

1998    Parlez-moi d'amour (acting), Vendetta, Multimedia project






2017  workshop Performance TTL young Buitenkunst

2017  AHK, advice student theatre school Amsterdam (mime)

2017  Master of Artistic Research, KABK Den Haag, advice and curating end show

2016  Likeminds, advice student

2016  AHK Amsterdam, advice students theatre school Amsterdam (mime)

2015  HKU Utrecht, AKO workshop performance with Sil Mantel

2015  AHK Amsterdam, advice students theatre school Amsterdam (mime)

2014  AHK Amsterdam, advice students theatre school Amsterdam (scenography)

2014  AHK Amsterdam, making a performance with theatre school (mime)

2014  AHK Amsterdam, advice students theatre school Amsterdam (directing)

2013  AHK Amsterdam, advice students theatre school Amsterdam (mime)

2012  Workshop performance, Amsterdam, Wg terrein

2011  Workshop performance, Art academy Den Bosch

2011 Workshop Performance, ArtEZ, Arnhem

2010 Workshop Performance, Crea, Amsterdam

2009 Theatre school Amsterdam, Mime, workshop performance & video

2009  coaching (Mimeschool) ‘In het midden van nergens’ by Anne Breure

2008  coaching (Rietveld academy) ‘Trait d ’Union’ by Janneke van der Putten

2008 CREA, workshop physical theatre

2008 coaching performance Doron Hirsch, Dance Unlimited (AHK)

2008 Gerona, Art students, workshop performance

2007 Rietveld academy, Amsterdam, NL, Workshop Performance & video

2007  CREA, Amsterdam, mime

2005  Delhi, India, workshop performance & video

2004  Art Academy, Den Bosch, NL, ‘The workshops2004’





2013  ‘Kunst in de openbare ruimte’, Echo.

2010 Van Vree zoekt haar grenzen, Parool, Daniel Bertina

2006 PZC, ‘Performance over geborgenheid’, Esme Soesman

2006 Tema Celeste march/april 2006, self-portrait

2004 Nederlands dagblad, “Verschrikkelijke, lieve familie, van mij.”, Hugo de Bruijne)

2003 de Volkskrant, ‘Studenten Rijksakademie zijn de weg kwijt’,  Marina de Vries

2003 NRC Handelsblad, ‘Klagende tas en krant vol leugens op Open Ateliers’, Sandra Heerma van Voss

2003 Trouw, ‘Rijksakademie maakt licht tot trend’, Sandra Spijkerman

2002 NRC, ‘Danielle van Vree over Damn if I’, Edo Dijksterhuis

2002 Financieel Dagblad, ‘Uit de werkplaats’, Hana Bobkova